Bigger, more impressive and more serious. All of these apply to the depiction of the Christmas story in Xativa in Valencia. Since 1999, the town has been a place of pilgrimage for everyone in Spain who wants to experience the Christmas story on the largest possible scale. This is possible from the beginning of December.
The special thing is, on the one hand, the impressive surface on which the birth of the baby Jesus is told. On no less than 1,600 m2, all kinds of scenes can be admired with a feeling for the smallest details. As everywhere in Spain, beautiful miniatures have been made, but in Xativa they go a step further. A legion of life-size dolls give this Christmas story a special extra dimension. Renowned forces are always used to make the dolls. The artists who annually design the beautiful creations for the Fallas burnings in the city in Valencia help Xativa with their beautiful contributions.
The town also wants to distinguish itself from the more common Christmas stories in Spain on other fronts. Two concepts are of paramount importance to the organizers. First of all, the festivities must be ecologically responsible. For example, the decorations are made of natural materials. Workers from the municipality collect the necessary materials throughout the year.
Furthermore, Xativa preaches solidarity. Local companies donate fruit and vegetables, which are given away to the population at the end. The other local pride of Xativa is also used for solidarity with the less fortunate. The city advertises itself as the city of 1,000 fountains. People are asked to throw money into the fountains. This is eventually collected and donated to charities.
Back to the Christmas story. The highlight for the younger visitors in particular is the presence of many living animals such as ducks, geese, sheep and donkeys. And when the lights are turned on at sunset, the magic of Xativa's Christmas story reaches a glorious climax.