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Puerto de Mazarron

Costa Cálida

The area around Mazarron is very popular with divers thanks to the crystal clear water. You can spot dolphins, sperm whales and whales. The region also has numerous walks and cycling routes, so that you as visitors can fully enjoy the scenery along the coast and the mountains. Enthusiasts can also indulge themselves when visiting the abandoned mines.

Some interesting buildings in the old town bear witness to the rich and interesting history of Mazarrón, such as the town hall and the former Cultural Center. Both modernist buildings. Behind the town hall is the 16th-century church of San Andrés, with a beautiful Mudejar ceiling. A little further is the Convento de la Purísima, the patron saint of the city. And on a small hill in the middle of the city is the Castillo de los Vélez, also known as Castillo de Los Fajardo, which was built in the 15th century as a military fortress. From the castle you have a beautiful view of the old city.

The history of this region is linked to its mineral wealth. Ever since the Phoenician, Punic and Roman times, mining, lead, zinc, iron, alum and red ocher have been mined here. The Arabs also came to this region, attracted by the wealth of minerals. After the Christian reconquest, defense towers were built around this strategically important zone, which you can still see today.

Mazarrón became very important at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, when iron and galenite were not mined. Once the mines were exhausted, tourism and agriculture took over the role of the main industry, and fishing and shipping also got a boost. In the harbor you can still see the fishing boats and enjoy the fish market.